The lists on the right contain contacts that may or may not be valid, as they were last updated in 2022. Some emails could trigger SPAM alerts.
These lists can be used for email campaigns to labels, either through your website platform or by sending individual emails. Platforms like SquareSpace may flag certain CSV imports as containing invalid addresses, which would need to be manually corrected. The LABELS list has undergone AI filtration, meaning invalid or outdated contacts have been removed, leaving only those likely to be active.
When sending out email campaigns, be sure to answer the following key questions:
1. Who are you, and what makes you unique?
2. What is your experience in the music industry so far?
3. What are you currently working on?
4. What do you hope to achieve through a collaboration with a label or distributor?
Make sure to include live videos, links to your music, your EPK, and any materials that make you stand out. Including photos can also be a great way to capture attention.
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Label / Name |
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Name | Curator | Genres | Location | Description | Followers | Songs | Playlist URL | Email Address |